Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ring of Kerry -part 2

Hi again,  I had a slight delay in getting my blog out yesterday since my husband was on a conference call for 6hrs on my computer and I didn't have the energy to work on it last night.So here we are this morning.

As you remember I left you off at the end of the Ring of Kerry in the town of Portmagee.  When we got up the next day the weather was a bit foggy..that was an understatement!  In this picture on the building"Kerry's most beautiful cliffs" is the view we are suppose to be seeing on the left.

 We continue on our way hoping to see more as the day goes on. The ocean is on the right.

You can see below how beautiful the land is even with the fog.  We are planning on returning to this area again before we leave Ireland.

In the next picture below, we have now traveled to Castle Cove.  If you look closely on the darker rocks, you can see birds. They are quite large but I can't tell what they are.

 Very windy as you can see and a bit chilly.

 We had the mountains on our left and the ocean on the right. The land is such a mixture of color.  I can only imagine what the colors would be like if the sun was shining.

 In these two pictures we have come into the town of Kenmare which is where the Kenmare river comes into the ocean.  This is the town where we traveled in each direction trying to get out. We finally had to ask for directions.  As it happened, we started out the easy way and turned around and went over the pass instead.  It was well worth it as you will see below.

The more difficult road took us into Killarney National Park.  If you read the sign Jaunting Car means a horse drawn carriage. That took us a little while to figure out!

Traveling along the pass....You are protected by a fence or a stone wall... not quite the same as at home!
Views from the top of the pass.

These are known as the MacGillicuddy's Reeks "which are really purple when the sun shines. Add a scattering of large rocks , large as a car and acres of lush green flowering shrubs and trees, and you're starting to get the picture." --straight from the tour book but of course they were adding the sun!

Below is a lake that was up in the pass.
The lakes are suppose to be"sapphire blue when the sun is out."

 Just more of the pretty sites in the pictures below.  We couldn't stop to take the pictures as there were always cars behind us and nowhere to turn off.

We have seen many ruins along the way everywhere in Ireland. It is just such a wonderful reminder of how much history is here and how little I know and how much I want to know.

We finished our trip around the Ring back in Killarney where we met some of the girls to go horse back riding.  You already saw those pictures in an earlier blog.

Our next adventure is London.  So next week I'll be posting our trip.  Should be exciting especially around St Paul's where they are demonstrating.  I tried to get a hotel not too close to the area.
Cheerio for now :)

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