Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Belfast #2

 This is the Opera house
This is City Hall.

I thought I had more pictures to share but I have down loaded most of them..Here is the ball I mentioned the other day.- "a ball in a ball"
As I am writing this blog, a bird decided to join me on the chair across from me. He quietly watched and when I went to open windows, he disappeared.- a purple finch looking bird.

My other story for today is the one on causing trouble..This story goes back to the first week I arrived. I had been here 2 days and decided to speak with the staff here about how slow the drains were and did they have drano...."we will send the maintenance person down" Upon arriving he said that he sees the problem and only has caustic soda but he wanted to check elsewhere. So he went outside to the drain by the door and picked up the cover and said. " I think we have too much water there and I will call the service"
When the service came within a few hours, they discovered that the manhole below outside our window was full to the top..(We are the last of the buildings and therefore at the end of the sewer line...not good)
They worked 2 days to clear the lines..
That isn't only one thing I have called for..they had to order special lights to replace the ones here..fixing the washing machine twice (before I got there...on David's watch).and a few other things.  He had to show me about the heat, the hot water, the stove, and a few other things. I could actually keep him here for a while as there are many more things that don't work..I think I am going to have to buy some tools. :)
I have baked some cookies to try and get back in the good graces of the staff!.I only brought 2 bags of chocolate chips with me and I can't find any here. anyone coming over???

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