Monday, September 30, 2013

My adventures at the super market.

 Good day.  How are you all Keeping?  Here is Dave at the swimming pool in the main courtyard at Kilmurry Village.  We are off to the supermarket again which is about a 4 mile walk round trip. I thought I would take some pictures to show you some differences.

The first 3 pictures are of the bread section. There are all kinds freshly made and nothing is covered! They do have a small section that is in another aisle that would be like home except they have 1/2 loaves too.  Great idea!

The middle picture of the 3 is where you would come get your bread sliced. Lift the handle,put it in and pick it out. You then put it on the slide(which is coming across the handle) and slide the plastic bag over the bread. Voila!
 In this section of fruits and vegtables, anything that is loose gets weighed. Put in on the scale, push the picture of it, and out pops the price which you stick to your bag.  I bought one onion so I just attached the slip to the onion.
 We have sections like this at home but usually of salad making stuff.  Here they have both sides filled with rice, noodle, salads (chicken, tuna, 3 bean, potato, vegetable etc.) Any combination you can think of , they have it. We also discovered a Del Rosa onion which is a rose colored onion with a milder flavor. David bought these. He is always trying new things!
 I don't think you can read the labels but they have tubes of (L-R) Thai, Mediterranean sauce, Hot chili, Garlic, Basil, Colander, Italian Herbs, Basil, and Lemon grass.( whatever that might be)
 Their markets are never quite like ours and they separate products and have you going to another area for like items.  Here above are the spices with the condiments. But other baking items will be in another area.
 In this aisle you are looking at all kinds of yogurts.  The whole right side of the picture! They have many flavours and even ones that are chocolate. The left side is the butter and some milk.  They don't seem to have a big area for milk but they do have glass milk jugs with the cream on top! David really liked that. Other odd things here... They use baking fat instead of Crisco-They have only regular crisps (chips )and popcorn, no pita chips, corn chips or the like.-no humus or dips- but lots of wonderful cheeses. Nothing like Irish dairy products. They don't have frozen dinners but they have lots of made up dinners ready to take home and cook. Not much on the ice cream; maybe because our refrigerators are small. I made a stew yesterday in a medium pan and had trouble fitting it in. Those that know me, know I can get everything and anything in anything!!!
 So I decided to show my refrigerator for you to see. It is below the counter. Isn't yours?
Hope you have a good day 
Cheerio :)

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