Monday, November 28, 2011

The Dingle Peninsula with the family

 Took us 2 hours to get here but it was worth it.

Take a look at the intricate work on this thatched roof, especially the ridgeline and sculpted trim around the windows!  Finest we came across.
As we started up the ring and you do go up! sometimes on only one lane for both ways..

 This is the town of Dingle.

We stopped and had lunch here at Murphy's.  We broke Amanda into her first Guinness.

The motley crew.

 A quick few minutes of shopping before moving on.

 You have to love their colors and their designs- very cool.

 As we drove down the penisula the land flattened but the cliffs dropped down.

 This house was pretty amazing to me.  How do they do that?

 Our little friend here was heading up to the Beehive Huts. The kids were amused at the colors on their fleece. Each farm spray-painted the backs so they could be quickly identified. When I was here 2 years ago, I didn't see much of this.

 Rogers and Eamon are in front of a beehive hut. These were formed and inhabited in the ancient times to 1200AD. They were often attached to each other with a doorway leading from one to another. Formed in the shape of beehives with stones having a downward and outward tilt so as to shed water. The top is covered by one stone called a capstone.-no mortar is used.  This method is called Corbelling.

 The area has many beehives. This area is called Caher Conor.
 Leaving the beehive area.

 The sun was setting and we are heading on home. Another great day. Thanks all. Cheerio :-) Mom

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