Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cliffs of Moher and Ennis with Wendy and Bob

 We started off for the Cliffs of Moher and passed this furneral procession .I didn't want to take one closer. The funerals here are a big event and will end up in the pub for many hours after with many more joining them.

 This is another golf course on our way. I am just amused to think how on earth they play through !

 I am fascintated by so many beautiful stone walls.

 We have arrived at the cliffs and it isn't as windy as it has been on my other trips and the sun has come out. As you can see, it is still cold and windy but we can stand up on this trip.

 Cliffs of Moher

 The day is clear enough to see the Aran Islands in the back. With my binoculars I can see wind mills and on the end you can see a light house.

 Looking back to village we drove through to get here.  The sun is shining on the water.

 Cliffs of Moher

Cliffs of Moher

We stopped to eat our lunch and had many unwanted visitors.  We had to close our windows as I was becoming a scene from" The Birds" I was about to take a pictures of the ones on the hood but Bob put his wipers on......

 The Next 2 pictures are taken at a pub that are relatives to Bob and Wendy's daughter-in-law.  By this time it was pouring rain but it isn't showing up in the photos.

 We had our hearts set on a nice tall one!!       Closed......

 This is a scene that is a common sight.

 A small fixer -upper !

 We then moved on to Ennis since we had time.  We walked the quaint little streets and "popped on in" to an antique store. This store was so full that we didn't dare turn around.  I couldn't resist taking a photo of these poor instruments just hanging here.  I know so many that could use these.

 I quickly took another photo of these bows, just thrown in a bucket.

We ended our trip in a grocery store.  I was showing Wendy that you need to put a 2euro coin in the slot which will release the chain and the basket.  You will get the coin back when you reattach the chain.  She was also shocked that we had to carry out what we bought becasue I didn't bring a bag.  You get charged $.30 in US money for each grocery bag. Though if you go to an outdoor market you are apt to get a paper sack for a meat pie etc.
Speaking of which, that is what we are having for dinner.  A variety of small pies, duck, ham and chicken, vegtable and goat cheese, and meat and potato pie.

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