Saturday, January 23, 2016

#2 our trip begins in Cuba

 Our trip continues...
We shortly discovered what island time was..a delay of time, planes and many changes of plans.

My first dinner was a fish as you can see below. It was served with rice that we will have with every meal from now on. Most of the time it would be brown rice and beans, white rice, a fried root vegetable, a salad of cabbage with carrots, cukes, and tomatoes and either pork or chicken.  Meat was rare. This was the menu for most of the trip.

Our sleeping arrangements were always interesting and sometime rather funny. The outside of the building didn't necessary show what we were going to find inside. I took pictures of rooms and the outsides but for some reason all my 600 pictures didn't all come over to my computer and they aren't in order for some reason. Hence, this is taking me a long time to put together.

When we arrived in this hotel we were going to change rooms but the other was worse with no lights that worked. This room had lights, no air conditioning which wouldn't normally be a problem since we usually sleep with our windows open all year round but the bugs found me. The mirror here is broken and the shower had trickle of water which i think was warm this day.  The drain as you can see is a little rusty and I was hoping not to fall through.

I will say that our adventure consisted of never knowing whether the shower would work, or was warm. - the toilet would flush. The lights sometimes worked. David got to take a shower with my flash light one night.  The beds were clean - we had towels- and most of the time we could get toilet paper which was always thrown in the basket and not the toilet.  We even got to fill the water bucket and throw it down the toilet to make it flush.  Camping at its best!

Cuba is not ready for all the tourists that are coming.

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