Monday, October 17, 2016

Italy with Ellie 2016- Day 4

Day 4

 We are leaving for Croatia.  We had to stop at the boarder of Slovenia . We got two stamps for each border. I was very excited about it as crazy as it may seem.

 Our adventure today takes us the largest Italian memorial of  Fogliano Redipuglia  the memory of the Great War.


This memorial started up on the hill of St Elia as you see above. What you can't see is that each grave has something placed on the grave that represents the soldier that is buried there. For an example there is a radio for the radio man. I am sorry I don't have any of those pictures to show you. 
This hill was bitterly fought over.

On this momument across the street there are the remains of 100,187 fallen men, 39,85 known and 60,330 unknown.. There are 22 layers with many names with the Duke of Aosta, commander of the Third army. 

  Climbing the steps and reading all the names and rank along the way.

looking the other way from the top down to the bottom and across to the trees where the first cemetery is.

 This hill was bitterly fought over
 The bunkers on the hill looking up at the monument.

 We lost a few suitcases on the way and had to wait till they could bring them to us. Now we are on our way to lunch!  Can't wait to eat again....( we are along the right side of the map, traveling down the coast.

  We had a wonderful lunch a the Rivera Le Terrazze. We looked out onto the bay and saw mussel traps.
Onto Motovun and the Hotel Kastel which has been owned by one family for centuries. We climb up this long hill to the castle.

 We are staying at the Hotel Kastel  up in Montovan  Here we are climbing up to the castle. I am so glad they took our suitcases!

We are 1000 meters above sea level. This castle has been kept in the family for generations.

 This town has five watch towers and two rings of stone walls for protection. The first 12-13ct and the 2nd ring was 15-16th ct. They grew out of the first ring so they had to make a second ring. This church and  lookout tower are  from the 13th ct. 

A wonderful day is completed with a beautiful sunset.

I think I got everyone..

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